
Showing posts from December, 2011

Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor di Indonesia

A         : Banten B         : DKI  Jakarta D         : Bandung E          : Cirebon F          : Bogor G         : Pekalongan H         : semarang K         : pati L          : surabaya M         : Madura N         : malang P         : Besuki R         : banyumas S          : bojonegoro T          : kerawang AA      : kedu AB      : DI yogyakarta AD      : surakarta AE       : madiun AG      : kediri BA      : sumatera barat BB       : sumatera utara BD       : bengkulu BE       : lampung BG       : sumatera selatan BH       : jambi BK       : sumatera timur BL       : di aceh BM      : riau BN       : bangka CC       : korps konsul CD       : korps diplomatik DA      : kalimantan selatan DB       : minahasa DD       : sulawesi selatan DE       : maluku selatan DG       : maluku utara DH       : maluku timur DK       : bali DL       : sangihe-talaud DM      : sulawesi utara DN       : sulawesi tengah DR      : lombok DS       : irian  jaya EA       : sumbawa EB       : flores ED    
JOY TO THE WORLD! Joy to the world! The Lord has come. Let earth receive her King Let every heart Prepare Him room And Saints and angels sing And Saints and angels sing And Saints and Saints and angels sing Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns Let Saints their songs employ While fields and floods Rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy Repeat the sounding joy Repeat, Repeat, the sounding joy Joy to the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His love And wonders of His love And wonders and wonders of His love No more will sin and sorrow grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He'll come and make the blessings flow Far as the curse was found, Far as the curse was found, Far as, far as the curse was found. He rules the world with truth and grace, And gives to nations proof The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love; And wonders of His love; And wonders, wonders of His love. Rejoice! Rejoice in the Most


Merry Christmas for all people in the world!   Joy to the world! The LORD has come!!! ^^

How to Cheer Your Sad Friends Up

            Have you ever been confused when your friends were sad? Even you did not know what to do to make them smile again. You should know how to cheer your sad friends up because if you cannot make them happy, you will be sad too. You should make your sad friends happy again because it is the duty of friends. To cheer your sad friends up is very easy. There are three steps to cheer your sad friends up, which are being a good listener, giving them spirit and inviting them to do what they like together.             The first step is being a good listener. As we know that every sad people want to share their feeling so that they can feel more relaxed. So, you should listen carefully to them and keep your eye contact. By doing that, they will feel like you really care about them and feel comfortable to share their stories to you. When they share their stories, do not interrupt them. You can talk if they ask you to talk. If you interrupt them, they will stop their sharing because they

How to Handle Your Stress

            If you too focus on your problems, you will get stress. Stress will make you not happy, and you will get sick. There are many ways to not get stress. First, you must pray to God. Ask his favor so that you can face your problems. He will give you the power and the problem solving. Just think about God, don't think about your problems. Because your God is more bigger than your biggest problems, He can help you to solve your problems. Second, solve your problems. Your problems will not be vanished if you don't solve it. If you have many assignment, do it now, so it will disappear; you don't have to face it again tomorrow. Third, keep smiling and take a rest for a while. Don't too focus on your problems. I think that's all. Don't be stress! Just keep smiling! ^^